Kenyan pupils hold classes in the streets – protest against school demolition


Education should be seen as a priority for every nation as it is the further of tomorrow’s leaders. Kenya’s government has battled with the illegal sale of government lands to private individuals and also the multiple sale of the same land to different buyers. However, some schools have fallen victims of the situation.

Guided by their teachers, about 15 pupils of the Kenyatta Golf Course Academy in Kenya sat on their chairs and tables in the middle of a main road in the capital Nairobi to protest against the demolition of their school. This school is one of the properties build on a multiple sold land.

In an effect, their action blocked traffic on the Mbagathi Road on Monday morning for some minutes in the presence of some parents. Report confirmed that their school which belongs to a church was demolished without notice over the weekend due to a land dispute.

However, the pupils were dressed in their school uniforms and carrying backpacks cheered on by teachers and parents as they sit in the middle of the busy road. The road users were disturbed from getting through to their destinations.

In addition, the headmistress Doreen Musungu explained to the media that the land was sold to them in 2010 by the authorities and later ordered to leave before the demolition on Saturday.

“Yes the land is theirs but we want that they at least give us time and even notices because parents have started paying their school fees. Now we are in a fix because we didn’t have any notices.”

She pleaded and requested for help as they only have the church as an option to hold their classes. She further said that the church will not be convenient for learning as many parents will hold them up since they have paid their children’s school fees.

In other words, It’s not the first time a Kenyan school was destroyed over property issues. Several schools in Kenya were demolished in recent years after disputes over land deeds, most of which resulted from corruption. Corrupt officials made it a habit of handing out multiple title deeds for the same property to line their pockets with extra cash. This has caused the demolition of many high cost structures.

In 2015, Kenyan police sparked international outcry after they fired tear gas into crowds of school children. The children were protesting the sale of their playground to a private developer, despite the playground being on public land. Multiple sale of thesame land has to stop.

The head mistress of Kenyatta Golf Course Academy has cried out for help. The children need a better place for learning. She further suggested that any demolition act should be given a considerable time limit so as to prepare for an alternative. Though disappointed but hopes for help from the lovers of education in Kenya.

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