National Artists Peace Tour


Dear entertainers:


As we prepare for our summer National Peace Tours with artists in some of the most violent urban cities in the nation, we would like to remind you of our new ambassadorship strategy.  Instead of having one Peace December Ambassador at a time, we’ve decided to have industry-specific ambassadors. This way, these ambassadors would be more credible with their constituents by being one of them as opposed being outside industry representatives.

Therefore new ambassador positions are now open for nominees. Candidates must be willing to use their artistic talents to promote peace, public safety, decency and youth leadership nationally. While past personal and/or artistic mistakes may not disqualify potential candidates, lack of willingness to be role-models to young boys and girls is a disqualifier.

Interested candidates can send their bios with cover letters to:

Peace December is committed to working with artists who are interested in making necessary changes in their industry that often times associates with violence and mistreatment of females. This is why in the past, we’ve arranged artist financial literacy seminars with industry experts in areas of artist finance, management, agent contract, accounting, mentorship, artist development, etc… These seminars are very critical in protecting young artists from being taken advantage of by industry professionals they sign with as well as lessening their failures in financial mismanagement.  New Peace December Ambassadors would continue to lead these training as permanent part of their mission.  Thank you and God bless! #peacedecemberambassador #peacetours #peacedecember

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