Good Morning sleeping giants:

In one of the most consequential presidential elections in our lifetime drew to the polls less than fifteen (15) percent of New Yorkers last Tuesday.  The potential harmful impact for electing a wrong person to the world’s highest office may not be reversible. Voting to elect the president of the United State must be every citizen’s top patriotic duty, because a power to deploy thousands of our sons and daughters to kill and be killed should not be afforded to everyone.  Please be a patriotic citizen by exercising one of the most sacred privileges we have as voters. If we’re too busy or careless and neglect our voting power, the calamity is on us.  Our military involvement just in the last two decades alone is bringing us back to stone-aged times of the last two world wars and doing so rekindled the cold war global arms race. #peacevoters #peacefulmajority #voicesofthemajority

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