HOME-STAT Progress – More than 500 workers are helping homeless New Yorkers get off the streets and into safe shelters using an array of services offered by the now fully staffed HOME-STAT initiative. The Mayor also announced that the City will be adding three new homeless counts to the City’s annual census efforts, designed to improve City agencies’ ability to transition those living on the streets into shelter and permanent housing. Overseeing the implementation of HOME-STAT will be Dr. Michael Jacobson, who previously served as Commissioner to three City agencies, as well as President of the Vera Institute of Justice.

Department of Veterans’ Services – Mayor de Blasio has announced the creation of the Department of Veterans’ Services. Dedicated to serving the City’s veterans and their families, the Department and its Commissioner, Retired Army Brigadier General Loree Sutton, will work to house homeless veterans, improve the physical and mental health of veterans and their families, expand education and career opportunities for veterans, and make more efficient the City’s ability to connect veterans and their families to benefits and care.

First Lady “Baby Showers” – As part of the City’s expanded commitment to early childhood development, NYC First Lady Chirlane McCray and Deputy Mayor Richard Buery are hosting a series of “baby showers” for expecting and new parents and caregivers. The events are one-stop shops for resources that busy parents need to set their children on the path to success. The baby showers are organized by the NYC Children’s Cabinet, which consists of 24 City agencies and Mayoral offices working together to advance the Mayor’s commitment to increasing child safety and wellbeing in high-need communities.

Warrant Reform – Mayor de Blasio, the State’s chief judge and NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton have developed new tools aimed at simplifying the summons process and reducing failure-to-appear warrants that often needlessly consume vital court and police resources. The new initiative includes a redesigned summons form, court date reminders sent via text message, and more flexible scheduling of appearance dates.

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