Counter Extremism in Africa



New York, New York- Africa, the birth place of mankind, cradle of civilization and the headquarters of all organized religions, has gone through and survived many transformative phenomena throughout history and continue to be a continent where the future of mankind’s peaceful coexistence lies.

With that being said, extremism is not new in Africa, but the terrorists ability, because of the modern mass killing machines, to cause regress on the continent-wide and havoc on the psychic of the global investors and tourists cannot be ignored.  Africa, at this junction, can’t afford to miss the current wave of global investing capitals because of safety concerns and unstable environment.

Especially with the proliferation of mobile technology in the hands of consumers even in rural areas, and its young population, allowing extremists to tap into the innocent brains of our children would irreparably render Africa uninvestible place, and makes it possible for more lives to be lost unnecessarily.

For this reason, we ask all Africans to establish Peace December Chapters in their countries and implement its ‘peaceful coexistence’ principles.  Continued divisions among Africans only allow extremists and exploiters to continue to take unacceptable advantages of us.

Please reach out to our Peace December Africa Director Dr. Mamadou Drame, Associate Professor, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal to help you establish your chapter. God bless!

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