What You Should Know
By Senator Rev Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District



You should know that former New York State Governor George Pataki has joined the voices of those elected officials who are demanding for the name of Donald Trump to be removed from the parkland that Mr. Trump donated to the State of New York.

It is important for you to know that during an interview on February 11, 2016 with Reporter Nick Reisman on Time Warner Cable New Program “Capital Tonight,” former Governor Pataki stated that he was unhappy that Donald Trump’s name appears on the parkland that Donald Trump donated.

It is disappointing to learn that 10 years ago, when Donald Trump donated the Park, it was former Governor George Pataki who accepted the donation and made the deal with Donald Trump to keep his name on the Park.

In fact, back on April 19, 2006, former Governor George Pataki released a press release celebrating this donation:

“With spring upon us and Earth Day right around the corner, today marks the perfect time for New Yorkers to receive such a generous and meaningful gift – the protection of valuable open space and beautiful parklands in the Hudson Valley,” Governor Pataki said. “The establishment of Donald J. Trump State Park will increase public access to scenic landscapes and provide additional recreational opportunities for families and visitors to the region. On behalf of the people of the Empire State, I express our gratitude to Donald Trump for his vision and commitment to preserve the natural resource of this property for the benefit of future generations.”  Now, my dear reader, it seems that because Donald Trump destroyed George Pataki in the Republican Presidential Primary, George Pataki is joining the crusade to have Donald Trump’s name removed from the Park that Trump donated, and that Pataki accepted with the conditions they both agreed upon.

It is also important for you to know that back on January 15, 2016, I wrote a What You Should Know column titled “A Deal Is A Deal” in which among other things, I stated the following:

“I don’t think it is moral to accept land from Donald Trump – or from anyone – with an agreed upon deal for the donor’s name to remain on the 435 acres of parkland that he gave, and then to reject and erase the name of the person who gave it.”I am Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

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