
Female cancer survivors in Africa are asking men to always be by their side during times of suffering and treating the disease to make them feel support by their loved ones.

Josephine Bamuwambye, one of the cancer survivors in Africa, speaking on behalf of African women at a cancer treatment seminar in Kampala revealed that many male spouses drop their wives when they discover that they are suffering from cancer leaving them to lift the burden of treating the disease alone.

She said that at times has led some of the women to lose their lives due to stress adding that it gives them more comfort to have their men support them in the whole process since they are also victims of the disease.

Josephine who was suffering from breast cancer has managed to live for over seven years now ever since it was diagnosed and treated and now feels happy that she is alive and encourages all African women to always test for cancer for early treatment in case they test positive.

”Going for testing is very important because was the disease is seen in early stages,it can be treated. I call upon all women to always go for testing.” she said. 

African countries have  fast growing population and consequently increasing cancer incidences with reports from the cancer monitoring organization  released in April 2014 indicating that about 500,000 patients are attending cancer  with about 400,000  new patients admissions per year in different African countries.



By Godfrey Olukya

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