Senator Jose Peralta supports the Move NY Fair Plan



Senator Jose Peralta supports the Move NY Fair Plan


State Senator Jose Peralta (D-East Elmhurst) announced that he is supporting the Move NY Fair Plan, a proposal that would lower existing tolls on outer-borough crossings while adding tolls to the currently free East River crossings. The plan would be an effective way to reduce the more than 40 million hours motorists spend stuck in gridlock every year, losing approximately $2.2 billion in lost productivity. The plan would drastically reduce congestion traffic in Manhattan.

Move NY would generate $1.5 billion in net revenue annually that would be invested in improving the city’s transit system, and its deteriorating network of roads, bridges and tunnels. In fact, three quarters of the additional revenue would go towards upgrading and renovating the transit system, and one quarter would be invested in road and bridges. In addition, by harmonizing all tolls into Manhattan’s Central Business District (CBC), besides gridlock reduction, it would decreased air pollution and eliminate “bridge shopping,” reducing asthma rates and vehicles crashes in the communities around the free crossings.

Senator Jose Peralta encourages Queens residents and all New Yorkers to closely review the Move NY Fair Plan. He noted that alternatives for raising much-needed money to upgrade our transportation system are much less palpable or feasible, such as increasing gas taxes by 52 cents a gallon or restoring the commuter tax.

The proposal includes a $2.50 toll reduction each way on the RFK, Throgs Neck, Verrezano and Whitestone bridges, and a $1 toll reduction at the Cross Bay, Marine Parkway and the Henry Hudson bridges. Thus, Queens bridges tolls will go down in price.

“I believe this plan makes sense and is reasonable and fair,” Senator Jose Peralta said. “I urge Queens residents and all New Yorkers to review the details of the Move NY plan and the many benefits it would provide our city with. In evaluating the plan, other options for additional revenue are unacceptable.”

Move NY’s campaign director, Alex Matthiessen, added, “Senator Peralta has been an early and stalwart champion of the plan and the grassroots effort to develop solutions for the city’s many transportation problems that have been ignored for too long. While he understands that there is no such thing as a perfect plan, Senator Peralta also understands that the Move NY Fair Plan tackles a number of problems in one fell swoop: reducing traffic, bringing toll fairness to the region’s drivers, and generating the funds needed to bring our transportation infrastructure into the 21st Century. And like all officials supporting the plan, he is determined to make sure those investments benefit his constituents – in this case, the residents of Queens, particularly those who live in underserved communities.”

Tolls and fares have increased four times in the last six years, and the latest tolls and fares hike will take effect March 22, 2015. “For far too long, tolls on some bridges have grown year after year, while others have seen dwindling maintenance at the cost of a free ride,” Senator Peralta said. “This proposal would fix inequities as some New Yorkers are now paying more than their fair share. This is a chance to bring greater equity in the costs borne by commuters as we can improve our transportation infrastructure and reduce traffic for years to come.”

Senator Peralta noted, “The proposal would benefit drivers, riders and pedestrians as fewer vehicles will be traveling to, from an in Manhattan’s central business district.”

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