Community Leader, Mamadou Kane, Needs New Kidney
For many with high blood pressure it leads to kidney failure causing them to go through dialysis until they can find a kidney donor or die.
Mamadou Kane, an active member in the African community for over 22 years has suffered in silence for over ten years knowing he would one day need his kidney replaced. The tall, charismatic Malian found he was throwing up in a meeting one night and checked himself into the hospital the next day.
“They said you need dialysis because you cannot pee enough to get the fluid out of your body,” said Kane, as he described the moment he found out he would have to get dialysis from the doctor.
Having to go through dialysis has slowed down the very active Kane which is one of the first things Arao Ameny noticed about him.
“I noticed he was absent more and more and I was curious about why,” said Ameny about Kane missing meetings for United African Coalition (UAC), an organization they’re both involved in.
She pestered him about it, like a loving daughter would, until he told her.
After landing in the hospital due to his kidney failure Kane remembers Ameny telling him about her father and offered to do a kidney drive for Kane.
“She said her father went through this and she would like to do the best she could to help me, and then when I came out of the hospital she came to my office and said she wanted to do the kidney drive for me,” said Kane.
She immediately went into action so that he could not only get a new kidney in the U.S., but the financial help he needs to take care of his medical needs such as copay, medication, and other medical cost.
“I respect him, he’s been active in the community, not getting paid”
Ameny felt the need to add her father’s story to personalize why she feels compelled to help Mama-dou Kane.
“When I looked at Mamadou it reminded me of what my father went through,” she said. “I asked my father if I could tell his story to personalize it so that when I do go out there and ask people to please get tested for Mamadou, please donate to help pay his medical bills; it’s not an impersonal story.”
So far with Ameny’s efforts in fundraising they’ve raised over $5,000 which is already being used to help Kane with expenses related to his health, and they’re continuing to raise more money for him. He is very grateful for the com- munity’s support after serving for so many years and continuing to serve.
“I’ve served in this African community for over 22 years and this is the moment I really need them to come through for me,” said Kane.
However, Kane is still in need of a B positive blood type willing to give him a kidney. He has family in Africa willing to help, but the cost to bring them to the U.S. and medical expenses would be about $100 thousand, and finding someone already here would be more cost efficient.
Beside dialysis, he still takes pills for high blood pressure, has a catheter in his chest, and a fistula- a merging of the vein and artery- in his hand for dialysis.
“Its our time as New Yorkers to help him, to take care of him,” said Ameny. “I respect him because he’s been active in the community, not getting paid, and doing it with a kidney problem.”
Although he is slowed down because of dialysis, and other doctor’s appointments he still continues to stay active in the several organizations he’s part of. Every weekend he is working with the children in his mosque, Timbuktu Islamic Center, in Harlem. He participated in planning UAC’s first anniversary awards dinner, and on the host committee for the new Deputy Inspector Lola Obe’s celebration to name a few things he’s involved in.
“I love helping in the community. Every time I help one person I feel so blessed,” said Kane.
He also maintains his ambition by working on starting his own cab service, as a former driver and founder of African Cab Drivers Association, despite everything going on with his health.
If you want to donate or be tested for a kidney match email us at