“If you see something, say something”


Bronx, New York- Community Peace Patrol Offices (CPPO), a newly formed volunteer group of concerned Bronxites, received its first NYPD training orientation today at Al Iman Community Center, with an agreed monthly training for the new recruits to continue on thereafter.

In light of the increased global criminal as well as terroristic activities especially in the last decade, it has necessitated citizens’ vigilantism and cooperation with local law enforcement for our collective safety.

To be more effective with its crime preventive objectives, CPPO has divided the Bronx into eleven (11) zones, with each zone has its own captain to lead and liaise between CPPO, NYPD and the community. Referrals to appropriate services are provided to residents, including to the youth who are increasingly being the targets of neighborhood gangsters and criminals.

All Bronxites 18 years and older are encouraged to join a CPPO Zone.  Together, we can prevent crimes, protect our neighborhoods and maintain a good relation with our law enforcement community.

If you want to know your CPPO Zone, please contact us at:

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