AMISOM liberates more territory in Somalia



By Godfrey Olukya 4-3-2013

African union troops in Somalia have announced that they have gained more territory in Somalia.

A statement released today by AMISOM said that Somali government forces with the support of African Union Troops have successfully completed the last leg of their 241 kms advance from Mogadishu to Baidoa. The AMISOM troops began their advance from Buur-Hakba and completed the final 60 kms stretch linking the two cities of Baidoa and Mogadishu.

The statement said, ‘This significant move not only allows for free movement of the population, but also opens up this key supply route and allows for the provision of humanitarian aid.

Additionally AMISOM troops in support of the Somali government will now operate within a single block from Mogadishu westwards to Baidoa, south to Marka and north to Jowhar. This not only increases the territory under Somali Government control but will also improve the mobility of AMISOM and Somali government forces thereby improving the security within.

The Federal Government of Somalia will also be able to peacefully conduct their stabilization work in the recovered areas.

While commending his troops, AMISOM Force Commander Lieutenant General Andrew Gutti reiterated the African Union’s commitment to supporting the Federal Government of Somalia in its efforts to provide security to the Somali population.

‘AMISOM will continue working with the Somali National Security Forces to improve their security forces, enhance the rule of law and protect civilians.’ General Gutti said.

Gutti also assured the citizens of AMISOM’s determination in fulfilling its mandate by improving security throughout Somalia.

‘This linkage between the capital and the regions of Bay and Bakool, will allow us to serve you better as AMISOM strives to provide security to more areas of Somalia so that local people can live their lives and pursue their livelihoods in freedom.’ he said.


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