Jamaat condemns the verdict: Statement


Feb 28, 2013

Rejecting the verdict against highly esteemed Islamic scholar and preacher Allama Delware Hossain Sayedee declared by controversial Tribunal of radical secular Awmi League government, Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami sternly condemns the verdict.

The organization also strongly condemns opening fire and attacking on the verdict protesting people by police forces and ruling party men that killed 50 Jamaat-Shibir men so far and left more than two thousand injured across the country.

Protesting the verdict and indiscriminate killing of the Jamaat-Shibir leaders and activists, the organization declares a complete shut down on upcoming Sunday and Monday. Declaring the protest demonstration Acting Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Maolana Rafiqul Islam Khan asserts the following statement:

Allama Delware Hossain Sayedee is world renowned Islamic scholar and preacher. For last 50 years, he has been preaching Islam across the world. Listening to his sermons, more than one thousand people have embraced Islam as their code of life. His place is deep rooted among countless hearts.

Being envious to the mass popularity of the Islamic preacher, the radical secular Awami league government has plotted the conspiracy to clamp down his voice. So they made him accused in the crimes against humanity carried during the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971. They have prepared the worst orchestrated story of crimes against humanity against the world acclaimed Islamic scholar. But Allama Delware Hossain Sayedee was never been engaged in any political activities until 1979. During the liberation war of Bangladesh, most of the time he stayed in Jessore, far away from scenes of the alleged crimes.

The deep rooted conspiracy against the Islamic scholar came to light following the leaked Skype conversation of the first Chairman of the Tribunal Mr. Nizamul Huq Nasim. The conversation revealed that Ahmed Ziauddin, a Bangladeshi expatriate living in Belgium and Mr. Haq planned to convict Allama Sayedee. They sketched out the draft verdict even before hearing the arguments in the charges. But the leaked Skype conversation made a massive blow and in front of extreme criticism from all corners, Mr. Nizamul Haq resigned from his post which substantially proved the conspiracy. But following the resignation of the former head of the tribunal, case proceeded against Allama Sayedee.

However, in favor of Allama Sayedeee, petition was filed for retrial of the cases. But defying to all legal and international norms and violating the core human rights concerns, the case proceedings continued according to the sketch prepared by Ahmed Ziauddin and Nizamul Huq masterminded by the radical secular Awami League government. Now the people of Bangladesh and all Islam loving people have rejected the verdict concocted in conspiracy.

The allegations which the justices of the tribunal have attributed as ‘undoubtedly proved’ are totally perverse, baseless and politically motivated. None of the 8 allegations could be considered on any ground as not a single direct witness was produced before the tribunal. The placed matters and documents at the tribunal could no way accuse Allama Sayedee in the charges of crimes against humanity. Even the controversial judge Nizamul Haq, in his Skype conversation, termed the matter of Sayedde as a locally resolvable rural factor.

Now the death sentence, concocted by the government, its tribunal and prosecution, is simply a judicial killing on the basis motivated and robustly fabricated matters. The countrymen have rejected the verdict with despair and condemnation.

a. In the charge number six, Maolana Sayedee has been accused of abetting Pakistani Army in looting gold and silver from the shop of Makhan Lal Shaha. But no witness was been produced in the tribunal.

b. In the charge number seven- Maolana Sayedee has been accused of looting and setting fire on the house of local Awami League leader Nurul Islam Khan. Son of Nurul Islam Khan, Shahidul Islam Khan was brought to Dhaka for two times for placing witness statements but the prosecution didn’t produce him before the tribunal finally.

c. In charge number eight- Allama Sayedde has been accused of setting fire on the house of Manik Pashari and his brother Alamgair Pashari, looting the house, killing their servant Ibrahim Kutti and torturing another servant Mofiz. However, Alamgir Pashari was not born in 1971. The charge was made Maolana Sayedee accused of killing Ibrahim Kutti on 8th May, 1971. But wife of Ibrahim Kutti filed a case in 1972 that her husband was killed on 1st October, 1971. Even final charge sheet of the case of killing Ibrahim Kutti was placed. Maolana Sayedee was not even in the list of the accused killers of Ibrahim Kutti. How come Maolana Sayedee turned in to killer of that dead person after 40 years! Besides, the petition filed by Manik Pashari didn’t mention the event of tortures on Mofiz. This issues and papers were produced before the tribunal. But the tribunal didn’t accept the matter into cognizance.

d. In charge number 10- allegation of killing Bishabali has been placed. According to the allegation, a Razakar fired on Bishabali upon the order of Maolana Sayedee. But no witness has been produced to identify who carried the killing, what was done with the dead body or other relevant issues. On the other hand, Sukhranja Bali, brother of deceased Bishabali, defense witness for Sayedee was abducted from the Tribunal premise. Still the whereabouts of Bishabali is unknown. In these charge number eight and charge number ten, the tribunal has ordered death sentence to Allama Sayedee.

e. In the charge number 11 – Maolana Sayedee has been accused of carrying looting gold and currency from the houses of Mahbubul Alam Haoladar and Majid Hawaladr. But no prosecution witness was placed at the tribunal in this charge.
f. In the charge number 14- Maoalana Sayedee has been accused of handing over wedding-aged three younger sister of Gouranga Shaha to the Pakistani army for amusement. From the National Identity Card of Gouranga Shaha it is revealed the he was born in 1963. How a person could have three younger sisters during 1971 who was born in 1963.

g. In the charge number 16- Madhusudan Gharami has accused that Maolana Sayedee was present during the rape of her wife Shefali Ghorami but Sayedee didn’t protest. Madhusudan also claimed that his wife gave birth to a child after 4 months of the rape. How it could be believable that one woman was got pregnant and gave birth to a child only in 4 months!
h. In the charge number 19- Maolana Sayedee has been accused of converting many Hindus to Muslims. But not a single witness was produced before the tribunal.

Though no authentic evidence and genuine witness was produced before the tribunal, the tribunal has handed the capital punishment to Allama Sayedee. The tribunal has accepted the statements of the convicted criminals in attempt to murdering wife, convicted of taking dowry by coercing wife, expelled from the University for taking unfair means in the exams and collaborators of some local Awami Leauge frauds. The death penalty has been directed upon these witnesses which is extreme example of injustice. This judgment is nothing but mockery in the name of justice, submission to the demand of the atheist bloggers a record of black judgment in the human history.

The judgment is the official declaration of killing Allama Sayedee in official way to put down the advancement of Islamic movement. The government has made the conspiracy and they are continuing it on with a longer plan of uprooting Islam from the soil of Bangladesh. The government is carrying extreme torture on the Islam loving people of Bangladesh. The 90 percent Muslims of this land will resist the plan even by sacrificing their lives. The government has become extremely ferocious to put down spirit of Islam from this land and their heinous approach has claimed 50 lives in a single day.

Some 3000 people are wounded in bullet. 500 hundred of them are in critical condition. No one has got relive from the state terrorism and torture. To resist the conspiracy of uprooting Islam and demanding release of Maolana Sayedee and to stop torture on the Islam loving people Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami is declaring the following programs:

a. On Friday- Mass prayer day to be observed across the country

b. 2nd March, Saturday- Mass demonstration across the country

c. 3rd and 4th March- Countrywide dawn to dusk shut down

We welcome the people of Bangladesh to observe the programs and expect solidarity from around the world for justice.

Please write a letter, send an e-mail or make a phone call and/or send a fax to the following. When you talk to them be firm but polite.
** Bangladesh Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina:
Mailing address: Old Sangsad Bhaban, Tejgaon, Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh
E-mail address: info@pmo.gov.bd
Telephone: Shaikh Mohammad Wahiduzzaman, Principal Secretary: 880-2-815-1159; Fax: 811-3244
** Bangladesh Embassy in Washington D.C.:
Akramul Qader, Ambassador
Mailing address: 3510 International Dr., NW, Washington D.C. 20008
** OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation)
Secretary General, Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
Mailing address: P.O.Box 178, Jeddah 21411,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: 966 2 65 15 222; Fax: 966 2 651 22 88; Email: oicny@un.int


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