Canadian trade minister visits Nigeria and Ghana



By Godfrey Olukya 28-1-2013

Canada’s minister of international trade and minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway Ed Fast is leading a trade mission to Nigeria and Ghana from.

The trip which started yesterday will end on February 1, 2013. He traveled with several Canadian investors.

28 Canadian companies and organizations, predominantly from the extractive and infrastructure sectors have representatives participating in the trade mission.

Before starting the trip, the minister reportedly said, ‘Exporting Canada’s world-class goods, services and expertise to new, fast-growing markets around the world is a key part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan for jobs, growth and long-term prosperity. This mission to Africa, my first trade mission of 2013,is an important part of that plan.’

In the past few years, Africa has been viewed as is one of the fastest-economic regions in the world attracting many investors especially from China, Australia and other countries.

The minister said that he looks forward to working with mission participants, who have the technologies and expertise that can help developing countries advance and manage their natural resource industries responsibly while fostering prosperity, job creation, poverty reduction and good governance.

Canada is renown in doing very well in mining, oil and gas extraction, and infrastructure development, including power and energy generation. All this are on high demand in African countries.

Trade between Ghana, Nigeria and Canada has been growing tremendously fast in the past few years.


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