Mugabe sets dates for referendum and elections



By Godfrey Olukya 27-9-2012

Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe has insisted that a constitutional referendum be held in November 2012 although even some of his party members are not satisfied with what is in it’s draft.

He has also set March,31st 2013 for presidential and general elections

The two votes are key to a bipartisan deal designed to stop Zimbabwe descending further into political violence. In 2008 the elections were marred by violence which led to the key opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai pulling out citing the violence against him and his

‘ Mugabe wants the referendum to be held in the first week of November and the general elections in the last week of March 2013.’ said James Bwalya,one of the ruling party ZANU-PF party officials.

The March 2013 elections will bring in the successor to the shaky power-sharing government formed three years ago between Mugabe and his political rival Morgan Tsvangirai.

Robert Mugabe, who has been the president of Zimbabwe for over 20 years has been accused by local and international human rights organizations for abusing the rights of his opponents and some of his subjects.

Although he is advanced in age, being over 70 yrs old, and his health has not been at the best of recent, he has shown no signs of not
standing for presidency in early next year’s elections.


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