Killings in Nigeria condemned


By Godfrey Olukya    5-3-2014

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for West Africa and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA), Mr. Said Djinnit, strongly condemns the renewal of killings perpetrated over the week end by unidentified armed groups in the localities of Maiduguri, Mainok and Mafa in Borno State.

According to The Africa Press. Djinnit is concerned about the escalation of acts of terrorism in the north eastern Nigeria, including along the border with Cameroon.

The recent attacks which resulted in the death of more than 80 people are further unspeakable violence against innocent civilians who have been regularly targeted by indiscriminate terrorist attacks.

Djinnit expressed condolences to the bereaved families and to the people and the government of Nigeria.

“This unprecedented cycle of violence must stop. The people of Nigeria
deserve to live in peace and security.”, SRSG Djinnit said.

Mr. Djinnit reiterates the need to protect civilians and hopes that
the perpetrators of these attacks will be brought to justice.


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