African Union Day Foundation


                                 8th Annual African Union Day Celebration


Dedicated to African Diaspora Civic Participation!

The founding fathers of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), now the African Union (AU) have straddled through historic transitions in the last fifty years to get to the current process of integration in envisioning Africa’s economic, social and political architecture.

On September 9, 1999, the African heads of state and government issued the Sirte Declaration (named after Sirte in Libya) calling for the official establishment of an African Union. Since then, Africa has seen the adoption of the Constitutive Act of the African Union, the birth of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, the formation of the African Peer Review Mechanism and the expansion of the regional economic communities to include the Diaspora.

What do these developments mean to people living outside Africa? How engaging should the New York City, State and Federal elected officials be in interacting with new frontiers of development in Africa? What sorts of diplomatic and business stakes should diplomats and the business communities have in providing a corporate panacea in enhancing livelihoods of people of African heritage across the globe?

These are some of the questions that the African Union Day Foundation has been asking. And under the capable leadership of Honorable Annabel Palma, the foundation has been hosting the African Union Day reception in the New York City Council Chambers at City Hall in the last seven years. The participation of other African organizations in the Diaspora, the interaction of the New York Black, Latino and Asian Caucuses in this endeavor and the support of several elected officials has trumpeted the need to facilitate a continuum in hosting the September 9th annual African Union Day reception with a view to engaging the diversified communities in Africa’s future.

The 2013 African Union Day celebration will be held at the Al-Iman Community Center 2006 Westchester Avenue, Bronx, New York 10462 on Monday, September 9, 2013 from 6:00PM-9:00PM. After party, 9:00-2:00AM.

Representatives from the academic community, career diplomats, politicians, corporate, community and faith based leaders, educators, relief and disaster management experts and civil society will join the panel during this event.

Please e-mail your reservation to Ms. Yasmin Issa Gobitaka at: or Call 718-829-2323. Co-sponsored by:

Entertainment provided by: African & Garifuna Artists

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