Ramadhaan is the most important month of the Islamic year. It is in this month that the family worships Allah and practices Islam more fervently and with greater enthusiasm. The Muslim family spend precious moments of their time together during Iftaar and Suhoor. These two meals provide the fuel and blessing that grant a Muslim the physical and spiritual strength to fast. 


The food Muslims consume plays a critical role in their worship. Allah mentions in the Quran : “Eat what is wholesome and do good deeds.[23:51]” In other words, wholesome and halaal food promotes good character and actions. The responsibility of ensuring that wholesome meals are provided for the family rests on the father and mother. The father earns pure and halaal sustenance. The mother ensures that the food that is consumed is wholesome and halaal. 


A few ideas on how a mother can create an Islamic home in Ramadhaan: 


-Encourage children to recite Quran regularly every day even if it be a little. This will discipline them and make them love the Quran. 


-Encourage them to fast even for an hour or half a day. This will build their confidence. 


-Let them perform Salaah together with the mother while she prays. 


-Teach them one new thing about Ramadhaan every day, eg. a dua, Hadith, benefit of fasting and Taraweeh, etc. 


-Teach them to avoid unhealthy food. Ramadhaan is, after all, a month of diet control! 


Assign one of the kids the responsibility for waking everyone up for Suhoor and Fajr (Set your alarm clock, just in case!) This will teach them the importance of Suhoor and Fajr. 


In Ramadhaan, specifically, there must be a constant reminder of an Islamic home! Children learn from a mother’s personal example. A mother who is always there by supervising and disciplining her children and who keeps busy with Salah, Qur’aan and Dua provides the most favourable Islamic atmosphere for piety and happiness in the home. A mother provides a special warmth and tenderness to the family during Ramadhaan. Ramadhaan without a mother can never be a true Ramadhaan. Ask anybody who has lost a mother within the last year how sad and empty that home now is. 


May Allah grant our mothers the understanding of their critical role in every Muslim home. They are the spiritual pillars upon which the bricks of worship and obedience stand. If they fall or crumble the future of the Ummah is at stake. May Allah make our Muslim women true beacons of piety and strength. Ameen!



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