Another journalist killed Somalia

By Godfrey Olukya    9-7-2013

Another journalist has been killed in the semi-autonomous region of Putland in Somalia, bring to over 10 the number of journalists killed in the last one year.

TV reporter Liban Abdullahi was reportedly shot at short range by 2 unidentified gunmen in Galkayo town.

According to eye witnesses, Liban, a correspondent for Kalsan satellite television had reportedly left his office and was heading to his home in Wadajir village in northern Galkayo when unidentified gunmen approached and shot him several times before they fled the scene. Liban died from his injuries upon reaching a hospital.

CPJ East Africa Consultant Tom Rhodes condemned the killing of the journalist. He urged authorities to do its best so that the killers are arrested and prosecuted in courts of law.


”Authorities must do their utmost to investigate and apprehend the perpetrators.” said Tom Rhodes.

Liban who is survived by a wife and five children, is said to have workerd in several media organizations in Somalia which CPJ has ranked the deadliest place in Africa to practice journalism, where12 journalists were murdered  in 2012, with none of the killings resolved.



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