By Godfrey Olukya   15-3-2013

The Saudi Arabian prince, Faisal Bin Abdul Raham Bin Muammar has reportedly arrived in Uganda for an official visit.

Faisal who is in Uganda for the first time has come to officially launch the programme called Multi-religious
collaboration for the survival and well being of children.

Uganda has many disadvantaged children. Some lost their parents to HIV-AIDs while others fled homes due to being
molested and live on streets in Kmapala city and other towns.

‘We are happy to receive Prince Faisal’ said Naser Kapalaga, one of the organizers of the launch. He is a big personality
in his country. Apart from being a prince, he is also the secretary general of King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz international
center for Inter-Religious and Inter-cultural Dialogue.

The programme to be launched is aimed at equipping, engaging and mobilizing religious communities to promote life-saving. household practices among families for the survival of children under five years.

Saudi Arabia has in the past contributed fund towards development of Muslim community in Uganda including donating money for starting an Islamic university in eastern part of the country and construction of a  commercial building in Kampala city center.


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