Mali asked to protect journalists

By Godfrey Olukya   14-3-2013

Local and international journalists’ rights organizations have appealed to the authorities in Mali to carry out investigations about a
journalist who was severely stabbed so that culprits are prosecuted in courts of law.

Dramane Traore, a presenter at Radio Kayira in Niono town, was on March 2nd this year attacked by a man who pretended that he was delivering some documents to his house.But instead the attacker stabbed him several times on the head.

Traore was rushed to hospital and was admitted. He was discharged when his health improved.

It is alleged that a few weeks before the attack, he had received threats on his life. He was warned and instructed to resign from the radio.

International journalists’ rights organization called  Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said there is need for the authorities in Mali to ensure the protection of all journalists in the country.

CPJ’s deputy director Robert Mahoney said, ‘Those who carried out the attack should be held accountable.’

There are reports that the radio station has been attacked several times and it’s equipment vandalized but the police has not apprehended the culprits.


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