Anti- Museveni Ugandans celebrate Obama’s victory



By Godfrey Olukya 8-11-2012
Sections of Ugandans who are against president Museveni’s overstay in office have celebrated the re- election of USA president Barak Obama saying he will help them to get rid of Museveni.

However, Ugandan legislators have asked Obama to focus more on Africa in his second term of office.

‘We are happy that Obama has won the elections.’ said one of the organizers of the party at Bwaise, a sub-urb of Kampala.’  He will help
us get rid of dictators like Museveni who do not want to leave power.’ he added.

He thinks, like a good number of opposition members in Uganda, that Obama is against leaders who overstay in power. He said, ‘He dealt with Gadaffi and other leaders who had over stayed in power. Next will be Museveni. We are sure he will help us get rid of him.’

The party which started yesterday immediately it was announced that Obama had won, went on till today morning with people drinking alcohol, eating roasted meat while singing and dancing.

But the members of parliament want Obama to focus more on Africa when he makes the US foreign policy in his new term. They say in the last term he did not do much for Africa.

‘Obama should give some attention to Africa, the continent where he has roots.’ said one of the MPs, John Kale. ‘We expected a lot when he was elected as president but he has not done much maybe because he had to first settle the problems he inherited from Bush.’

Another MP, Raphael Magezi said,’ He came at a time of crisis which he has managed to stabilize. He is now in a better position to focus on Africa-America ties.’


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