Saudi Arabia condemns gun attack in Istanbul


Saudi Arabia has denounced the recent shooting incident that occurred in the bustling Turkish city of Istanbul. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement expressing its unequivocal condemnation of the gun attack and conveyed deep regret over such reprehensible actions.

In reaffirming the Kingdom’s unwavering stance against all forms of violence and terrorism, the ministry emphasized its commitment to combating such atrocities on both regional and global fronts. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia extended heartfelt condolences and sympathy to the families of the deceased, as well as to the Turkish government and its people, in this time of mourning and distress. Additionally, the ministry expressed hopes for the swift recovery of those injured in the tragic incident.

The attack unfolded at Turkiye’s largest courthouse in Istanbul, where two individuals launched a violent assault before ultimately being neutralized in an exchange of gunfire on Tuesday. Tragically, the confrontation resulted in the loss of one additional life, with five others sustaining injuries amid the chaos.

The incident has reignited concerns about security and safety within urban centers, prompting renewed calls for vigilance and heightened security measures to mitigate the risk of such violent incidents. Authorities in both Saudi Arabia and Turkey have vowed to collaborate closely to address the root causes of terrorism and bolster security cooperation to prevent similar attacks from occurring in the future.

As investigations into the attack continue, the international community remains steadfast in its condemnation of terrorism in all its forms, standing in solidarity with nations affected by such senseless acts of violence. Saudi Arabia, alongside its allies, remains resolute in its commitment to upholding peace, stability, and security within the region and beyond, in defiance of those who seek to sow discord and chaos through acts of terror.

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