Trump declares war against Obama’s laws


President Trump has vowed to end all the laws of the previous administration.

While disclosing this on Wednesday May 6, 2020, he stated that would continue trying to toss out all of the Affordable Care Act, despite appeal that parts of the law should be preserved amid a pandemic.

“We want to terminate health care under Obamacare,” Trump told reporters on Wednesday.

“Obamacare, we run it really well. . . . But running it great, it’s still lousy health care,” he said.

Attorney General William P. Barr, has privately argued that Trump preserve the law, but the argument never appeals to Trump’s conscience.

Even though the president has promised to preserve some of the Affordable Care Act’s most popular provisions, including guaranteed coverage for preexisting medical conditions, he has not offered a plan to do so.

His administration’s legal position seeks to end all parts of the law, including those provisions.

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