Teachers in Kenya resume duty after 3 weeks strike



By Godfrey Olukya 25-9-2012

After three weeks of teachers’ strike in Kenya,schools have today re-opened and students have resumed attending classes.

Form four student, Lynn Njiru of Nairobi high school said,’ I am a candidate supposed to seat for final examinations soon. I am happy over the re-opening of the schools because I will be able to seat for exams.’

The opening of schools follows the agreement reached between Kenya’s government and Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT)
yesterday. After the agreement the teachers called off the strike and accepted to start teaching.

KNUT Secretary General David Okutta said,’ We have reached an understanding with the government. The strike is over and teachers
should start teaching. We are grateful that the government considered our demands.’

He said that government had accepted to increase the teachers salary.

KNUT Deputy Secretary General Xavier Nyamu said that the return to work shows that they have reached an amicable understanding with government and so no teachers would be victimized for participating in the strike.

Nyamu said,’ We have called off the strike. We are good citizens who were simply demanding for our right. No teachers will be victimized on the account of participating in the strike.’

Education minister Mutula Kilonzo promised to fulfill all that they agreed on with the teachers.

The government has increased the lowest paid teachers salary from 13,750 Kenya shillings to 19,323 Kenya shillings. The highest paid is to get 144,929 Kenya shillings from 120,270 Kenya shillings. In addition to the increment, the teachers will also get hardship and
special schools allowances of 30 per cent of their basic salaries..


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