Stranded Ethiopians flown home from Yemen



By Godfrey Olukya  24-9-2021

The International organization of migration (IOM) has finalized arrangements to fly stranded Ethipoian migrants from Yemen back to their country

Tomorrow, (Tuesdy) the organization’s  chartered plane will carry 275  Ethiopian migrants from Yemen to the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. Other flights will follow.

The Ethiopians meant to be flown home are already assembled at  Al-Hodeida airport in Yemen.

The flight has been funded by Netherlands. According top Ethiopian official, Reila Abou, that is not the first time for Ethiopians  refugees living in very poor conditions in Yemen to be flown home.

He said,’ About two weeks ago, 551 Ethiopians were flown in from Yemen. Early this month, 89 medical cases and victims of trafficking were also flown in by a flight sponsored by USA.’

He said that over 3500 Ethiopians are  living in the open in Yemen’s northwestern town of Haradh after becoming stranded there following failure to cross into Saudi Arabia in search of jobs. They include women, children, the elderly and unaccompanied minors.

Thousands of Ethiopians leave their country every year for greener pastures in different countries. A few months ago,over 100 Ethiopians suffocated to death in Tanzania  in a congested sealed truck which were carrying them stealthily to South Africa.


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