The 2018 African Economic Outlook will be launched today


ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast, January 17, 2018/ — The launch of the African Development Bank’s 2018 flagship African Economic Outlook (AEO) report, the first to ever be released in January of a calendar year and at the Bank’s Headquarters in Abidjan will be lived streamed on Facebook as follows –

The African Economic Outlook bridges a critical knowledge gap on the diverse socio-economic realities of African economies through regular, rigorous, and comparative analysis. It provides short-to-medium term forecasts on the evolution of key macroeconomic indicators for all 54 regional member countries, as well as analysis on the state of socio-economic challenges and progress made in each country. It represents African Development Bank staff economists’ analyses of African economic development during the previous year and near term. It has become the main flagship report for the African Development Bank, as well as reference material for policy makers, researchers, investors, key private sector players, civil society organizations, development partners, and many others interested in Africa’s development.

Given a rapidly changing Africa and international economic order, the Bank has revamped the Outlook to enhance its policy relevance while ensuring that it serves the Bank’s operations well. Three main changes are evident.

First, to increase the AEO’s timeliness, we are moving to an earlier release date so that the Bank, as a leading African institution, would be among the first to provide headline numbers on Africa’s macroeconomic performance and outlook. We plan to launch the AEO in mid-January of every year.

Second, to facilitate advocacy and policy dialogue, the 2018 AEO is being shortened to a maximum of four chapters and about 140 pages, down from more than 300 pages.

In addition to the release of the main African Economic Outlook report on January 17, 2018, the Bank will produce five independent African sub-regional Economic Outlooks in May 2018, with each report focusing on priority areas, and providing analysis of respective economic and social landscapes. The sub-regional reports will also highlight issues of pressing current interest.

Consistent with previous reports, the Bank’s country economists will also prepare detailed and much longer Country Notes for the May release, together will a full set of updated growth projections. For the January release, each one page Note will provide a country profile with key recent developments and prospects.

Thematic coverage of previous editions
Edition         Thematic title

2003            Privatization
2004            Energy Supply and Demand
2005            Financing of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) Development
2006            Promoting and Financing Transport Infrastructure
2007            Access to Drinking Water and Sanitation in Africa
2008            Technical and Vocational Training
2009            Information and Communication Technology across Africa
2010            Public Resource Mobilization and Aid
2011             Africa and its Emerging Partners
2012            Promoting Youth Employment
2013            Structural Transformation and Natural Resources
2014            Global Value Chains and Africa’s Industrialization
2015            Regional Development and Spatial Inclusion
2016            Sustainable Cities and Structural Transformation
2017            Entrepreneurship and Industrial Development

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