‘Former VP Mphoko does not deserve exit package,’ – says Zimbabwe War Vets


Victor Matemadanda, the Secretary General of the ZIMBABWE National Liberation War Veterans’ Association, (ZNLWVA) has accused former Vice-President Phelekezela Mphoko of deserting his government position and thus not deserving any exit package for his service.

‘He is just seeking public relevance. What we know is that at the time Operation Restore Legacy was initiated, he was in Japan on government business and he chose not to come back to the country and instead went AWOL,’ he said.

‘He was not fired from government and when President Robert Mugabe resigned, he was supposed to be acting President, but he deserted.’

Former VP, Phelekezela Mphoko, since learnt of former President, Robert Mugabe’s lavish exit package granted by the current president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, he also sought for his exit package of office, being a former VP – sources show.

Mphoko has through his lawyer, Welshman Ncube, written to government demanding for his exit package, and also threatened to take Mnangagwa and his government to court, if they fail to provide the benefits.

Mr. Matemadanda however, said that Mr. Mphoko should not even think that he is going to receive anything like exit package or pension benefits from the Zimbabweans yet he allegedly absconded his government post.

‘He can’t talk of a pension because he was not fired neither did he tender a resignation letter. By the time President Mnangagwa was appointed and inaugurated, Mphoko had deserted, he never bothered to come back and submit himself to government,’ Matemadanda further said.

Matemadanda then praised President Emmerson Mnangagwa as being the President, Zimbabwe has long yearned for.

‘He is a progressive leader who departed from the politics of hate when he did us proud by visiting MDC leader and former Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and giving him his dues which had been held back by Mugabe for years.’








Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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