Zimbabwe former minister wanted by Kenyan government over fraud cases


Professor Jonathan Moyo, Zimbabwe’s former Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development Minister has become a fugitive of justice from the government back home, in Zimbabwe and a Kenyan government now.

Professor Jonathan, who is suspected by the Zimbabwe government of being in Kenya though he just recently denied the claims, is wanted by the Kenyan government being accused of fraud, a case that he committed in 2000, and fled out of the country before settling it.

Using his tweeter handle, Mr. Moyo tweeted that he was not in the East African country as the Zimbabwe government suspects, but he is just on Tweeter – he said.

‘I am on Tweeter, not in Kenya. It is an open secret that the ZANU-PF putschists who are insecure in their military coup imagine I am in Kenya, or want me to be in Kenya, so they can send their murderous SAS snipers there after an attempt to assassinate me in Harare on November 15, 2017!’ Moyo wrote on his tweeter handle.

The Kenyan officials also, added saying that the former Zimbabwe minister was not in the country, adding that they would know if he was there.

‘I would have known if he was in the country. Political asylum is a security issue and his request would have been processed by the National Security Advisory Council (NSAC) and his cabinet,’ said Eric Kiraithe, the government spokesman.

In addition, Mwenda Njoka, the Kenya Interior Ministry spokesman also denied the claims that Moyo was in the country.

‘I have asked our immigration guys and they said is not here. I think the Zimbabwe media are doing some fishing to try to find out where he is,’ Mr. Njoka said.

Besides, Jonathan Moyo is a wanted man in Kenya. So if he is there, then he will be arrested very soon – reports explain.

It is said that Mr. Moyo engaged himself in some fraud acts that involved $6 million, which he committed in 2000 while he was a programme director for an American-based charity, Ford Foundation.

‘In 2001, Mr Moyo was implicated in a corruption scandal involving about $6 million (Sh619.9 million) while he was the programme director in Nairobi for the American-based charity organization, Ford Foundation. The money was meant for a Nairobi-based NGO, the Series on Alternative Research in East Africa Trust, which was founded by political scientist Mutahi Ngunyi,’ said the reports.

‘An audit report carried out in 2000 revealed that Mr. Moyo used the money for unclear purposes,’ it explained.

‘A top security source in the country, who declined to be quoted, said Mr. Moyo fled the country before the case was concluded and, therefore, remains a wanted man in Kenya,’ it further added.

Zimbabwe as well, is looking for Mr. Moyo, to face the law following accusations involving corruption.

The fugitive professor is expected to have fled out of the country during the time when the military took over Harare, Zimbabwe, in a coup that led to his former boss, Robert Mugabe’s resignation.

However, Mr. Moyo continues to ill write about the current government led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, through his Tweeter handle, though, his location remains unknown.














Reporter: Shamirah Namuddu

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