China donates funds to Zambia to help fight Cholera


China is one of the countries that have so far donated funds to Zambia, in a bid to help the country overcome cholera, a severe disease that is said to claim lives of people in the State.

According to the sources, on Thursday, China through its Chinese construction giant AVIC International, presented a cheque of 100,000 Zambian Kwacha, estimated about 10,000 U.S. dollars, to the Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya during a ceremony following escalating cases of the waterborne disease.

Figures presented by the Ministry of Health on Thursday, at the ceremony, show the cumulative cholera cases that have now reached 2,148 countrywide, with Lusaka, the country’s capital accounting for 2,091 of the cases and 51 deaths.

Speaking at the ceremony, Cui Ji, the firm’s representative, expressed that the increased cholera cases in the city, were a source of concern and hence the company’s decision to make a donation towards the fight.

Zambia according to the World Health Organization (WHO), was invaded by cholera on September 28, and made more than 1,500 people sick.

Cui Ji, added that this was not the first time that AVIC contributed funds as a response to the cholera fight as it had earlier, a week ago contributed 40,000 Kwacha [about 4,000 U.S. dollars] to the local authority in the city for the same purpose.

Expressing gratitude, Chitalu Chilufya, the Minister of Health, thanked the Chinese for their contribution towards the fighting of cholera in Zambia. He also appreciated other partners who were also getting on board to help.

The minister also announced the newly devised measures that will help combat the disease. He said that they are working on enhancing inspection of food outlets in Lusaka, as well as suspending the transporting of vegetables and fruits from outside for selling in the city.

He further informed that the inspections so far conducted, have revealed that the food from some food outlets in the city was contaminated with cholera and some food outlets have since been shut down.

‘The authorities have shut down three outlets belonging to a popular food takeaway, Hungry Lions, after food samples showed cholera contamination as well as other food outlets in the city,’ the Minister stated.

‘We will continue to work closely with local authorities countrywide to ensure that inspection of food handlers is enhanced.’
















Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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