Storm kills hundreds of people in Philippines


Mindanao Island: According to the state official news channel, a horrible tropical storm ate nearly two hundred people in the southern part of Philippines and hundreds of people were missing.

Geological reports stated that storm named Tembin brought massive water and mudslides to the island which caused a large amount of destruction.

Geologists stated, “After Storm Tembin skirts the southern edge of Palawan it is forecast to travel west, south of the Spratly Islands, reaching southern Vietnam in about three days.”

Proclaimed by the official sources, “Two towns badly hit were Tubod and Piagapo, where a number of homes were buried by boulders.

“Tembin, with winds of up to 80km/h (50 mph), has now passed across Mindanao and is heading over the southern tip of Palawan before moving further west.”

“The river rose and most of the homes were swept away. The village is no longer there,” Police told, “there has been at least 19 deaths in the town.”

He further added, “Police force, rescuer and volunteers are digging through mud to try to recover bodies in the village of Dalama.”

“We’ve sent rescuers but they’re making little progress due to the rocks,” he said, “More deaths were reported in the towns of Sibuco and Salug.

“Power cuts and the loss of communication lines have hampered rescue efforts.”

However, that island suffered regularly with hurricanes, earthquakes which brought economic losses from the natural disaster.







Reporter: Syeda Faiza Bukhari

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