Russian government clamps down foreign media


Moscow: With stern warning, President of Russia, Vladimir Putin signed a bill to target foreign media including, Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, claimed to be funded by the US Congress..

Moscow announced that foreign media needed to register under the new classification, and for that sake both houses of parliaments agreed on a piece of legislation to rush out through that procedure and use that bill.

According to Russian recent laws, political instruments must be flexible due to unspecified eventual targets which intentionally loose it as a pedantic technically and self-contained law which needs amendment by the parliament that would be apparently designated a foreign agent to state which owed it privately.

Meanwhile US just after Russian broadcaster RT who tacked foreign agents for counter measures were taped.

Additionally, it should be acknowledged that that decision would be drawn up and considered as suffering of Ministry of justice from the plan that leans heavily on an existing political tool.

According to Russian foreign Ministry spokesman, “Foreign NGOs has been acting as Trojan Horses for hostile powers to stir up domestic discontent. Therefore, NGOs need to be taken down a peg or two.”

The law forced NGOs with foreign funding declared, “Foreign agent NGOs have to state on all their published information that it’s coming from a foreign agent. And in a country where the paranoia of the Cold War still has a powerful legacy, that doesn’t sound good.”

The Russian Presidential Human Rights Council condemned, “It does not have a legal definition or any substantial legal definiteness, and therefore in practice will inevitably cause problems in determining the parties in the legal relations that arise,” told by report, “It recommended the Federation Council vote down the bill and send it back to the Duma for a total overhaul.”

As the Ministry of Justice said, “This measure, introduced by federal law, is a response to the media of countries who have specific restrictions for Russian media activities.”

The news media of foreign agent legislation said, “Many of the requirements put on foreign media will be the same as the ones NGOs have to follow. Again, the specifics are left to the whims of the Ministry of Justice.”









Reporter: Syeda Faiza Bukhari

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