Pakistani Farukh Amal elected as Permanent President of UN body in Geneva


Islamabad: Being a permanent member of United Nations body, they elected Farukh Amal as the Permanent President of Commission on Investment, Enterprise Development of the United Nation Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTD). According to reports, the election takes place at the ninth annual session of the Commission in Geneva.

According to MCR sources, Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahid Khakan Abbasi heartedly congratulated Farukh Amal on that honour and Prestige.

While giving interview to Radio Pakistan, Mr. PM stated, “Pakistan is progressing by leaps and bounds by the grace of Allah. Pakistan is Alhamdulillah on the road of success.

“That trade and investment is a reflection of International community’s recognition of the country’s role as an important player in the multilateral fora on trade and development.”

Maleeha Lodhi in UN said, “Denying basic rights and self determination to people breeds terrorism.”

Mr. Amal said, “I am very glad. It’s a better chance for Pakistani presidency and its active participation at the forum will provide opportunity to share experiences as well as learn best practices to help improve investment climate in the country.”

Pakistan assumed the Chairman of the Group of 77 and China in Geneva for 2018 due to its role in the United Nations development machinery.
















Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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