Racial Tension in America



By Yusef Maisonet


Racial tension in America is something that we all as Americans experience one way or another, it is what made America the great country it is. That is what a lack of education will do to a community that is just feed up with all of the discrimination that they face daily in America, the land of the free and the brave, all of the sacrifice that our forefathers went through is wasted. Racism by being a tool of the devil comes with different names, with the same aim; to destroy mankind as promise by Satan himself. “Who was condemned by Allah and who said: “I shall take from Thy creatures my determinate share” (An Nisa 4:117).

Allah has promised that whoever does wrong will see it, there is no hiding from Allah’s wrath woman/man no matter whom you are the meeting of your Lord is guaranteed. Man is blinded by Shaitan’s emotions, his disobedience, and for his love for this dunya (world). We understand the racial tensions that have been going on in this country, until they decide to live in peace with their fellow man there is never going to be any peace in this society, that we call home, America. Home of the free has the biggest prison population in the world; kills more children every day, murders every day, rapes every day.

You try to educate our youth, but education goes to the few that did not go to jail, or got arrested for minor infraction, that turn out to be major infractions in your life. Please stand up and look at how many of our youth are getting killed by those that are supposed to protect us, daily. The racist made their money on our poor one way or another; yes, they have been trying to eradicate our youth, and not the problems that affect them. Let’s stand up and be counted.

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