President of United States undertakes a long trip to Asia


A marathon trip by president of United States Mr. Donald Trump has planned to spend, according to state official news channel, 11 days in the Asian continent.

“The 11 day visit will be the longest in the region by a US President in a quarter of a century,” White House disclosed.

It has been announced that Mr. Trump would be going to visit Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippine and was considered as the longest tour by US president in 25 years after Mr. Bush in late 1991 and early 1992.

The intention of the trip was to show unity with those nations against North Korean nuclear programme and missile tests and the rising tension between US and North Korea forced him to take that step.

Japanese senior analyst said, “The scene of 1945 Japanese attack that drew the US into the Second World War.

“We never forget that tragedy, we are still suffering.”

The state official media reported, “First Mr. Trump Will go to Hawaii state from where the First Lady Melania Trump accompany him to his official tour to Japan the on to South Korea.

“In Vietnam, he will attend the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Danang and makes a state visit to Hanoi.

“His final engagement will be a summit of South East Asian nations in the Philippine capital Manila.”

However, the tour is extensive but Mr. Trump would expect to talk on serious and concerned issues.












Reporter: Syeda Faiza Bukhari

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