Cape Town launches Black Monday in memory of the murdered white farmers


‘Enough is enough’ is a group of protesters in Cape Town, South Africa that has come out to fight for the rights of the white farmers that are being brutally murdered in their farms.

South Africa has observed a number of white farmers murdered and this has put a lot more lives on the line.
A group of protesters under the ‘enough is enough’ group were seen around the streets of Cape Town Stadium where they launched the black Monday day. The protesters wore black clothes in the memory of the befallen farmers. The protest has come after the murder of Joubert Conradie, a 47 year old farmer on his farm in Klapmuts near Cape Town last Tuesday.

‘Enough is enough,’ the protesters chanted as they were being accompanied by several cars, tractors, motorbikes and a helicopter hovered overhead.

‘I don’t want another family to go through this,’ Marlene Conradie, Joubert Conradie’s widow told reporters, saying she was also overwhelmed by the support from the protesters.

The protesters explained that not only are the farmer’s lives in danger but also the entire South African people at large. This is with the fact that if almost all the farmers are murdered and the police are not doing enough to protect the rest, then the food products in the country are also at stake.

‘South Africans must awaken to the rising farm murders,’ Lousef one of the protesters called upon the people, ‘Crime is not only a threat to farmers but also to every South African.’

The black Monday was also observed around cities of Johannesburg, Pretoria and Port Elizabeth, in addition to Cape Town.

The protests are backed by AfriForum, a lobby group which promotes the rights of South Africans white minority.

However, the protests have been criticized by the Black First Land First Group who have expressed concern that the white farmers are aiming at perpetrating violence against the black people.

Fikile Mbalula, the Police Minister also asked the protesters not to exercise any kind of behavior that is out of the laws as they would stand to face charges.








Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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