Pakistan is once again at the crossroads, political analyst claims


According to some of senior analysts, the current situation of Pakistan was once again at the cross roads where two real situations met to the present crisis. The first was an immediate restoration of democracy through free elections in autumn and the second was direct military rule.

While giving interview to BBC, one of the analysts Mukhtar Hassan stated, “For nine years now my country has been ruled by the dictator.

“Even since the execution of the country’s first and last elected Prime minister, Zulifqar Ali Bhutto, a reign of terror has kept the people in check.”

He added, “The opposition leader Imran Khan is not accepting the decision of supreme court, which is obligatory for him. He is failed to provide proofs.

“This is far from the truth according to Mr. Khan. He will create chaos in the country. He is not accepting the reality that Prime minister is elected by ¾ of Pakistanis. It’s harsh reality but a fact.

“With the rapid return to an elected government the current mood of tolerance and aggression of Imran Khan and his battle for prime minister’s seat can be transformed into the spontaneous and uncontrollable anger on the part of opposition party.”

The current government faced a lot of challenges as they were fighting against heroin mafias, grotesque against social and economic inequalities, clerical tyranny and more above all was energy crisis and terrorism.

He said, “The gigantic mass of movement in the country is waiting for some positive response from the general entrenched in his bunker in Islamabad.

“There are many in the US Congress who genuinely prefer democratic governments to the squalid military dictatorship.

“Now it’s a time to speak up loudly and clearly because the mind of the Washington is identified in the minds of the people of Pakistan with the regime that has oppressed them for almost decades.”

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