Pakistani court sentences rapist to death in Gujranwala


A culprit named Qasir Shah has murdered a seven-year-old girl n Ayan after subjected her to assault sexually at Walgan Sagyan village in Sukhayki area of Hafizabad. He was consequently hanged in the Central jail of Gujranwala on July 6, 2017 Thursday morning at 7 am.

According to Jail Superintendent Chaudhary, Shah beguiled youth, took him to the field, ravished and killed him on the spot.

The dupe’s parents after failing to find the boy, lodged a case to police. Later the family found him expired in a pond near the village.

It is told by the police that they suspected Qasir, took him into custody who during interrogation confessed to have committed the heinous crime.

It was stated by the victim’s parents that boy was playing outside on one evening of 2006, the offender took him away to play him.

In addition to that, they requested for justice from court.

It is quoted in Dawn Newspaper, District and Session judge Ashtar Abbas handed down death sentence to the murderer in the Central jail.






Reporter: Syeda Faiza Bukhari

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