Irish aids South Sudan refugees in Uganda


Around 2000 South Sudan refugees arrive in Uganda daily, since July 2016, seeking for asylum, as reported by officials.

South Sudan people fleeing from their country, is caused by the unending conflict in the country that erupted (again) from Juba to other parts of the country in July 2016, causing human rights violations and acute hunger.

The conflict is believed to have been risen after the collapse of a peace deal between the government and the opposition forces.

In this case, the Government of Ireland has again stepped in with essential humanitarian items worth €500,000 to support the refugees.

On Saturday 17 June, 2017, the Government of Ireland dispatched over 100 tones of humanitarian supplies arriving in Uganda. They included materials for setting up shelter, blankets, cooking sets and mosquito nets.

The costs of the two separate airlifts to Uganda, one arriving from Dubai on 11 June and another one from Accra on 16 June, 2017, were all covered by the Irish government.

According to the sources, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Uganda, received the supplies at Uganda’s Entebbe International Airport, and are then expected to supply them in Uganda’s districts of Arua and Lamwo, where the South Sudan refugees are settled.

“We are so grateful to the Irish people for showing solidarity with the refugees,” said Bornwell Kantande, UNHCR Representative in Uganda.

“Such display of generosity,” he added, “clearly indicates that Ireland stands with Uganda and with the communities that have opened their doors and hearts to the children, men and women that are forced to leave from their countries due to certain circumstances.”

Ireland has been so supportive regarding the South Sudan refugees in Uganda. In 2016, they (Ireland) provided €3 million in life saving assistance, including €1,114,000 to UNHCR.

Uganda as for now, according to the officials, hosts more than 1.2 million refugees, with 960,000 of them coming from South Sudan alone.

Uganda, despite the influx in the country, continues to maintain its refugee welcoming policy.

In doing so, the Pearl of Africa (Uganda), has kept its boarders open, and is wholeheartedly continuing to provide refugees with land, shelter, freedom of movement and access to services.

Therefore, the Ugandan Government deserves tremendous praise in their efforts in handling the emergency.



Reporter: Namuddu Shamilah

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