Germany supports East African community with 35 million euros to assist their health and education sector


The Government of Germany, on Satuday, June 16, is reported to have generously extended humanitarian support, in form of grants to the East African Community (EAC). This was carried out on behalf of the government by Egon Kochanke, Germany Ambassador to Tanzania. He issued the grants statement during his meeting with the Secretary General of the EAC, General liberat Mfumukeko.

According to a report published and distributed by APO, the grants will be channelled into health and education sector for maximum utility. A part of the 35 million Euros is to cater for the procurement of vaccines for children in the region. The report further revealed that Germany has contributed about 90 million Euros to the EAC as support for various immunisation programmes in the stretch of 5 years.

“The financial cooperation grants will be available for the sectors of health and education: Germany will provide 30 million Euros for the procurement of vaccines for children in the EAC against various diseases. The programme will be implemented in collaboration with the GAVI Alliance. This new commitment will bring Germany`s contribution to regional immunisations programmes with the EAC to 90 million Euros since 2012.”

It is also reported in the same vein that 5 million Euros will be committed into the funding of scholarships in the region with special interest in strengthening the younger academic generation.

“A further 5 million Euros are foreseen for a new program financing scholarships for post-graduates in the East African Community. The program thus aims at strengthening the younger academic generation in becoming catalysts for further regional integration,” the report stated in addendum.

Also commenting on the grants, H.E. Egon Kochanke was categorically quoted saying, “The cooperation with the EAC and with the GAVI Alliance on vaccinations are an important pillar in fighting diseases in the region. And our new envisaged scholarship program is another stepping stone towards stronger regional integration in East Africa.”

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