UNESCO teams with the government of Sudan to improve community development


The project towards the development of lives of rural communities in Sudan through the support of radio broadcasters has finally kicked off. The project is to be implemented by UNESCO with a budget of 300, 000 euros financed by the Italian Development Cooperation Agency – AICS.

Reports on the development states that the project is designed purposely “to enhance the reach of community radio networks in the rural areas of Eastern Sudan through training activities and the production of new contents and programmes for radio broadcasts, focusing on education, promoting human development and community spirit among rural populations and to consolidate the network of rural radio broadcasters.”

According to a report published on APO from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, it is clearly mentioned that the decision of the ministry to target the Eastern States of Sudan is indeed plausible. The report described this region as well over due of serious attention. It therefore welcomed the idea of focusing this development intervention in those areas.

“By recognising the value of the project aimed at promoting human development and the principles underlying the initiative, the official support of the Ministry of Information thus assumes a deep-reaching political value in the African Country, also in view of the location of the project.

“The Eastern States of Sudan (Red Sea, Kassala and Gedaref) are among the most disadvantaged regions needing assistance, all the more today because of the illegal migration routes from the Horn of Africa on which Italian Development Cooperation has been focusing most of its attention.”

This informed the statement of Fabrizio Lobasso, the Italian Ambassador in Sudan, who describe the development as a signal of progress. Adding that the way and manner of driving information is the instrument towards profiting from education.

“Today we witnessed a very important signal. Sudan continues on the road towards a freer information and communication system in the sign of solidarity and social inclusion and integration: the tactics of controlling information is slowly giving way to the strategy of managing knowledge!”

The report acknowledged the appreciation of Ahmad Bilal Osman who appreciated the gesture of Italy’s Government and Development Cooperation Agency and the UNESCO, stating that with time, Sudan will attain a great height of stability and peace.

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