Nigeria’s Godwin Benson wins UK’s Royal Academy of Engineering award


Technology is no doubt rapidly growing fast in Africa. It is becoming profusely getting integrated into our daily activities. Africans are now rising to solve many of world’s problems with impressive out turns.  Godwin Benson, 27 year old Nigerian has emerged winner of an engineering award for his idea of developing a tutorial App. The prize which rewards innovators in the Sub-Sahara Africa.

Benson worked on solving the problem that has to do with the challenge of securing and accessing adequate knowledge from resource persons from within and outside one’s locality. He built “Tuteria” so that personalized learning could be aided and poverty could be reduced as income could be earned after rendering service to users.

“It (Tuteria) is something that solves the problem of access to quality, personalized learning and helps people to earn income for sharing their knowledge,” Benson noted.

As the Academy announces Benson winner of the $32, 000 prize money, Malcolm Brinded, the head judge of the competition expresses the academy’s fondness over the beauty and great advantage that the Tuteria idea will transform into.

“We are proud to have him (Benson) as our third Africa Prize Winner, we trust Tuteria will go on to change the lives of a million of people who are eager to learn and develop new skills.” Malcolm said. While accepting the award, Benson disclosed that the prize money will go into widen Tuteria’s offering.


Godwin addressing Mark Zuckerberg

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