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Photo caption (left to right) – NYC Council Member Daniel Dromm, Dublin City Councillor Peter Finnegan, 
NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Lord Mayor of Dublin Críona Ní Dhálaigh, 
Irish Consul General Barbara Jones, NYC Council Member Elizabeth Crowley and 
Fitzpatrick Hotel Group President John Fitzpatrick tour the Council Chambers at New York City Hall.

New York, NY, May 26, 2016 — NYC Council Irish Caucus Chairperson Daniel Dromm joined NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito (D-NYC) and NYC Council Member Elizabeth Crowley (also a member of the Caucus) in welcoming the Lord Mayor of Dublin Críona Ní Dhálaigh to New York City Hall.  Dublin City Councillor Peter Finnegan, Irish Consul General Barbara Jones and Fitzpatrick Hotel Group President John Fitzpatrick were also part of the gathering.

Ní Dhálaigh is the 346th mayor of the city, but only the eighth woman to hold the office.  In Dublin, the office of Lord Mayor is simultaneously held by a member of the City Council.  Críona Ní Dhálaigh is a member of the political party Sinn Féin.  She is the first member of the party to serve as Lord Mayor of Dublin.  

“I was thrilled to join Speaker Mark-Viverito and Council Member Crowley in hosting Lord Mayor of Dublin Críona Ní Dhálaigh and Dublin City Councillor Peter Finnegan at City Hall,” said NYC Council Irish Caucus Chairperson Daniel Dromm (D-Jackson Heights, Elmhurst). “There is much that Dublin and New York City can learn from each another.  This visit provided the opportunity for leaders of two major cities to share their ideas, hopes and challenges of improving local government.  I look forward to continuing the dialogue and strengthening these important relationships in the months ahead.”

“I was thrilled to join the Council’s Irish Caucus yesterday as we welcomed Dublin’s Lord Mayor Críona Ní Dhálaigh to City Hall,” said NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. “The Lord Mayor is an inspiring leader with a strong commitment to inclusion and equality. In this important year where Ireland is celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the Easter Rising, the Council is proud to continue to strengthen the ties between New York City and Ireland.”

“It was an honor to have Críona Ní Dhálaigh, the Lord Mayor of Dublin, at City Hall,” said NYC Council Member Elizabeth Crowley.  “As the only female member of the City Council’s Irish Caucus, I’m especially proud of the strong relationship we keep with our Irish partners in government.”


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