Senator Gianaris Honors Astoria WWII Hero Luke Gasparre  


(Astoria, NY) Senator Michael Gianaris honored lifelong Astoria resident and World War II hero Luke Gasparre as an inductee into the New York State Senate Veterans’ Hall of Fame. The Veterans’ Hall of Fame is designed to pay tribute to New Yorkers whose gallantry in the U.S. Armed Forces is complemented by service to their communities. Luke was officially inducted into the Veterans’ Hall of Fame at a May 24th ceremony in Albany.

“Luke’s life has been about public service. He served with distinction in World War II and proudly fought for our country in the Battle of the Bulge,” said Senator Gianaris. “He has brought extraordinary passion and energy to his job as a Mets usher for the past 52 years. It is privilege to honor Mr. Gasparre.”

Born in 1924, Luke Gasparre has remained a lifelong resident of Astoria, a loyal husband, and a beloved war veteran. Mr. Gasparre is a recipient of the Bronze Star and Purple Heart, in addition to the recently awarded French Purple Heart, which he received for his bravery and courage in the face of danger and in recognition of his battle injuries.

The New York State Senate thanks Luke for serving his country and is proud to honor the sacrifice he made to keep our country safe and free.

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