Muslim Democratic Club of New York Applauds Settlement of Lawsuit over NYPD Surveillance



Landmark settlement provides for independent monitor to oversee NYPD’s counterterrorism activities

(New York, NY) – Today, the Muslim Democratic Club of New York (MDCNY) expressed support for the settlement reached by the NYPD and plaintiffs in the Raza v. City of New York lawsuit.

The lawsuit, filed in 2013 by attorneys from CUNY CLEAR, NYCLU, and the ACLU, came in response to widespread community concerns after reports of broad NYPD surveillance of Muslim communities in New York and beyond. The settlement codifies protections against investigations based on race, religion, or ethnicity and appoints an independent civilian monitor to serve as a check on potential future police abuses.

“We applaud today’s settlement and thank the plaintiffs, attorneys, and the many organizations and individuals who made this case possible. Muslims and other New Yorkers should never feel targeted by law enforcement purely on the basis of their religion, race, socioeconomic status, or any factor other than actual criminal behavior,” said MDCNY co-founder and board member Linda Sarsour. “This settlement is a victory not only for Muslims but for anyone who engages in religious, political, organizing, or any other Constitutionally-protected activity.”

MDCNY President Murad Awawdeh stated: “Today’s settlement sends a clear message to politicians and policymakers that Muslims have the same Constitutional rights as everyone else. MDCNY will continue to stand with and support policymakers who treat Muslim communities with the recognition, value, and respect that they deserve.”

The Muslim Democratic Club of New York is a city-wide organization dedicated to increasing the civic empowerment of Muslim New Yorkers and advancing progressive policies in the Democratic Party.


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