Youths in Uganda vow to support Dr. Kiyingi



By Godfrey Olukya     24-2-2015

A cross section of youths in Uganda have welcomed Australia based Ugandan cardiologists, Dr Aggrey Kiyngi’s decision to come back to Uganda and stand for presidency and they have vowed to vote in his favor.
In the past few days, news about Dr  Kiyingi’s announcement that he had  intentions of standing for presidency in 2016 general elections have been circulating all over the country. But Ugandan authorities in Uganda claim that Kiyingi is sponsoring rebels killing Muslim clerics    in the country.

Dr Kiyingi was interviewed live on Uganda’s most popular radio, central broadcasting station (CBS) and indeed confirmed that he had interest in the presidential seat. He said that he was supposed to come to the country in two months to start preparations for the race but had postponed due to some problems.

Poor Ugandans youths association coordinator in eastern Uganda, Elvis Owor said,” We welcome Dr Kiyingi’s idea of standing for presidency. We are tired of president Museveni because he has overstayed in power and we want a change.”

He said that if Kiyingi comes back all the youths in the association he leads and other in the whole country youths will join him to oust Museveni.

Hellen Nakazi, a student at university in Kampala said,”Kiyingi is a highly educated person and has many contacts. He can be a good leader and youths at the  universities are ready to support him.”

Presidential elections in Uganda will be held next year. The incumbent, Yoweri Museveni is likely to stand as sole candidate for ruling party, National resistance movement, (NRM)

Ruling party senior cadre, Felix Senabulya said that they are not threatened by Kiyingi’s intention to stand. Senabulya said,” Some people are dreaming that Kiyingi can come back and win president Museveni in next year’s elections. That is a big dream. Museveni is still popular and people still want him as their leader.



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